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How is Hail Different From Snow?

Difference between Hail versus Snow?

1 Answer

What is Hail?

• Hail is the result of convection happening inside those cumulonimbus clouds.
• It is something that needs to have a solid shape. It is doesn’t have a definite form, then it can’t be called as hail or a hailstone.
• Hailstones are there when there are thunderstorms and tornadoes. Thus, they serve as indicators for an extremely bad weather condition. The strong winds from the mentioned phenomena force frozen water to fall to the land which results to the hailstones that we all know.
• The fiercer the phenomena, the larger the hailstone gets. So, you can’t really be happy with big hailstones
• Hailstones are usually huge balls of ice. However, a hail stone can be as large as a golf ball or it can be as small as a peanut.
• The pour of countless hailstones is what you call a hailstorm. This phenomenon can destroy buildings, crops and cars even if it can only last for a maximum of 10 minutes.
• Cutting a hailstone into two would make you see that it has rings inside it.

What is Snow?

• Snow refers to a cloud’s frozen water vapor. If you want to more snow to fall into your town, then you should wish for more dark nimbostratus clouds in the sky. These clouds have a lot of water which only means thicker snow for a cold country.
• Snow just falls when the temperature in that region continues to drop.
• Snowflakes are crystallized water and they usually have 6 sides.
• They are free standing crystals. They can have any shape and they don’t require any support.
• They can be pointed and they can look like needles, hexagons, columns, stellar dendrites and stars.
• The points in a snow or snowflakes disappear when they melt.

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