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How do you change the Charcoal Filter for a GE Microwave?

How can I change the Charcoal Filter on my new GE Over-the-Range Sensor Microwave Oven? I have GE Microwave JVM6175SFSS, and in the installation directions it isn't clear how the front panel is removed that covers the Charcoal Filter compartment. How do I remove the Front Panel on the GE Microwave without breaking it?

2 Answers

Here's how to Install the Charcoal Filter on the Over-the-Range Sensor Microwave Oven JVM6175SFSS:

1) Remove the 3 screws that secure the front panel from the top of the microwave oven.
2) Open the microwave door.
3) Now...(for the all important step that's missing from the installation manual)... Slide the panel to the left about 3/8", then pull the panel towards you to remove the front panel from the microwave, and will allow you to access the Charcoal Filter compartment.
4) Install the charcoal filter. When properly installed, the wire mesh of the filter will be facing up (visible from the front). The filter should sit at an angle, the front edge of the filter will hit the bottom of the compartment.
5) Now... replace the front panel and slide the panel to the right about 3/8", and then secure it with the 3 screws.
6) Close the door.
See this video for a helpful guide on How to change Charcoal Filter Replacement GE Microwave:


Thank you so much for the answer to the post. I knew something was wrong and you wrote - "Now...(for the all important step that's missing from the installation manual)... Slide the panel to the left about 3/8", then pull the panel towards you to remove the front panel from the microwave".

I don't know what is the problem with GE, but this is an extremely important step to leave out. I am sure many people have damaged the filter grill trying to remove it. Thanks again.

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