How do i hide the "Last Active" time stamp on the facebook messenger app?
Answer Question
This is so annoying bc I can't just check a few things, my bf is always checking when I was last active and sometimes I hadn't even been on it that day at all and he say I was active 11 mins ago and screen shots it
Could it be settings on the iPhone privacy affecting the visibility of the time stamp? It also started after downloading the new version of fb
its not that...even logging via desktop one can see the last online.
There must be any way to hide the time access T.T I really need it, even tho I dont open my messanger it always appears that im active
the million dollar question remains unanswered ... in this tech savy world... no one seems to know how to view personal fb timeline and messages in privacy even on desktop same problem remains ... that is a utter shame :( :( ... all tech savy please advise ty ....
actually, for me it also shows "last active" when i login on google chrome. however, mozilla doesnt share my "last active"
Last couple of days I've seen that a friends' fb-chat timestamp completely dissapears (I only use fb on laptop), after it shows 2h for example...I'm pretty sure it's because they logged out from the fb app on their iphone...So, try logging out from fb-app on your smartphone after you're done on fb, and the timestamp will dissapear.
I do not have Messenger installed and have an iphone 4S. This seems to have worked for me: open facebook app, swipe your finger from right to left and it will open a chat window with a list of your friends. Tap the gear wheel in the upper right corner to turn chat off. My husband checked from his account (he has an iphone 5 and has the lastest Messenger app) it no longer showed when I was active in our message history or on my page. I am curious to hear if there are still any bugs with this approach - such as any issues with activity status when viewed from a droid etc.
So annoying - I dislike everyone seeing when I was last active on fab .... I have friends that show and some which don't ... I'd love to know how they managed to turn that off but too embarrassed to ask ☺️... Help😱
I use Opera Mini mobile browser. When I log in to facebook via Opera, My last seen time stamp never gets updated. But the moment I log in via PC Browser, the time stamp gets updated. Now I dont know why but I havent applied any settings or any such things.
If its the mobile app you go in and swipe to the chat list then click the settings button and turn off your chat if you use your chat quite often you may not want to do this but if you don't then it will work. As of right now that is the only way to get rid of it on the mobile app. I have heard certain browsers like Mozilla and Opera mini do not update the time stamp
I have noticed that my friends can appear offline and then later on I will look at the chat sidebar and there will be a time stamp by their name, that shows they have been online during the same time, it was showing them offline. How is this possble?
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