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How can I send a free Fax online without a fax machine?

Is there an online faxing service I can use to send out a fax without having to have a dedicated fax machine or phone line? I just want to send out one fax from my computer?

1 Answer


Here's how you can send a FREE fax online using MyFax:

1) Go to:
2) Fill out the form, include fax document (.pdf, .doc) and fax message.
3) Make sure you use an accurate email address in the FROM box, as you will need to verify the fax by email. You will get this message after you submit the form:

  • Your fax has been placed in the sending queue. Please check your email for a confirmation message.
  • You must click the link in the confirmation email to send your fax.
  • (If you do not receive an email, check your junk folder and add to your approved senders list.)

4) MyFax will send you an email to verify the fax (you may need to check for the message in your junk email box), click on the link in the email to add your fax to a queue before it is sent out.
5) Once MyFax sends the fax, you will get a confirmation email, confirming your fax was sent out successfully (or a failure message if the fax could not be delivered).

MyFax makes it super easy to send out a free fax online, without the need for a fax machine or fax line, and you don't even need to register on the site.

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