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Can you wash a down Comforter in washing machine?

Can you wash a down Comforter in washing machine or does a down comforter need to dry cleaned?

1 Answer

Some down comforters can be washed in washing machine, you need to look at the washing instructions on its tag. If the tag says "dry-clean only," you should not wash it.

Even if it can be washed in washing machine, you need to pay extra attention to it:
- Wash it in a front-loading machine, because the heavy comforter may damage the balance of a top-loading machines.
- Wash it on "delicate".
- Add an extra rinse cycle to ensure the detergent is completely washed from the comforter.
- Dry it on medium heat.
- Remove it every half hour from the dryer and smooth the down to prevent clumping.

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