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Can I put packages in a USPS blue drop box?

Do USPS mail drop boxes allow packages or do they only allow envelopes?

1 Answer


Yes. The U.S. post office allows you to drop packages into the blue mailboxes as long as they can fit and have the prepaid postage (for example postage you print out from ebay).  However they may not allow you to use postage stamps, more than likely because they are more likely to fall off on packages. But it depends on the USPS collection box, so be sure to read the restrictions on the top of the Blue mail drop box. The traditional blue half circle drop boxes that have a handle to open, will have a sticker on the top that tells you what is acceptable.

I was able to drop in a small package with pre-printed USPS postage, the package was 3" tall. You might be able to fit a 4" tall package by 12" wide in the standard USPS drop boxes. Make sure any package over 1/2" does not use regular stamps. SEE below.

This is what a blue USPS drop box reads in a nearby residential neighborhood:
Mail Collection Policy

Due to federal security regulations and U.S. export laws, DO NOT DEPOSIT the following items in this collection box:
- Any mailpiece over one-half inch think that uses POSTAGES STAMPS
- Any mailpiece that weighs more than 10 oz and uses POSTAGE STAMPS
- Any mailpiece with a customs declaration form that was not completed and submitted online
- Any mailpiece that requires a customs declaration form and uses POSTAGE STAMPS

You must present these items for shipment to a USPS employee at a retail service counter at a Post Office location.

Failure to comply may result in the return of your mailpiece.

Keep the Mail Safe!

Do not mail prohibited dangerous goods or hazardous materials.

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