How to Create a New Facebook Group

by Updated April 6, 2009

Creating a new group on Facebook is easier than you think. 

  1. To create a new Facebook group simply login to your Facebook account and then go to the following URL:
  2. Fill out the Group Name and all the groups details, then click the "Create Group" button.
  3. Next you'll be able to add a picture or logo for your Group. This is Optional, but always a good idea to have one to entice people to join your Group.
  4. Now invite members to join your group. You should see a listing of all your Facebook friends. Check the friends that you would like to invite and click the "Invite Friends" button. 
  5. Finish and save.

 Another way to get to the Facebook Create Groups web page is as follows:

  1. Type in "Groups" in the upper right-hand search box on Facebook.
  2. Then use the down arrow key on your keyboard to select Groups from the drop down menu, and then hit Enter.
  3. This will take you to the "Groups" page, where you will then click on the "Create a New Group" button, which is located in the upper right hand side of the page.
  4. Now simply fill out your Group Name and the groups details, then click "Create Group" button.


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