How to Speed Through Airport Security During the Holidays

Traveling tips to get through TSA Security lines quickly during the Holidays.

Let’s admit it. Security in airports was relatively loose before the 9/11 incident. However, we have to accept the fact that the situation has already changed. Thus, what you can do now is to plan the things that you’re going to bring for your holiday vacation for you to get out of those hassle checkpoints in record time. Here are some tips that you can follow:

1.) Don’t wrap your gifts for your loved ones. You can do that when you have already arrived in your destination. If you insist to do so, then you will end up giving your presents to the airport personnel or have him or her tear your precious gift wrapper apart.

2.) You are only allowed to bring 1 bag stored inside a screening bin or a quart-sized zip-top bag made of plastic (clear) and a maximum of 100ml bottle for your toiletry products. Just don’t bring more than that.

3.) Purchase checkpoint friendly cases for your most expensive and essential gadgets for you to be able to put them inside your carry bag. By doing so, you can be certain that they would never get stolen in any checkpoint. Your other luggage can contain the accessories for your devices.

4.) Since your kids and pets don’t have identification cards, you would have to carry them as you enter a checkpoint. You should never let them get out of your grasp if you want to get on that plane as soon as you can.

5.) Keep your government-issued ID and boarding pass handy for you to easily give it to a TSO for inspection. If you lost your identification card along the way, then you have no choice but submit yourself to 3 types of screening (minimum) that can last for several minutes.

6.) Dress lightly. You are expected to remove most of your garments as you enter a checkpoint so it would really not help you to put layers of coats on. Also, begin to disrobe once there are only 5 people left ahead of you. Take off your keys, watches and jewelry as well. You can keep your religious headdress or scarf on but you may be inspected for the second time if these items are too big and if they look suspicious.


7.) Don’t bring all of your suitcases. Travel light as much as possible. Put your toiletry items and most of your garments on your luggage. Always remember that the lesser number of bags that you have, the shorter the time you would have to wait to have them inspected.

TSA checkpoints can really be irritating at times yet you would still have to go through them for you to arrive at your destination. Thus, try to be more patient and don’t shout at airport personnel for they are only their job. Moreover, since you have read this far in the article, we assume that you would be performing the tips mentioned above. So, have a safe trip and enjoy the holidays!



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