How to Remove the Conduit Search Engine in Firefox

Do not want Conduit Search in Firefox.
by Updated August 7, 2014

So I recently discovered that the Conduit Search Engine had become the default search engine in my Firefox browser.  Fortunately, it's pretty simple to remove Conduit from your Search Engine List in Firefox. Here's how you can quickly remove the Conduit Search Engine in Firefox:

  1. Open Firefox  (This tutorial covers Firefox version 31.0)
  2. At the top of Firefox, in the search engine box (just to the right of the URL box), click on the icon drop down arrow. This will open a Drop Down box.
  3. In the drop down box, click on Manage Search Engines
  4. In the Manage Search Engine List popup box, select Conduit Search, then click Remove.
  5. That's it.

NOTE: After Conduit Search has been removed, what ever search engine you have at the top of your Manage Search Engine List should become your default Search Engine in Firefox.  In my case, Google was at the top, and became my new default search engine after removing Conduit Search from Firefox.




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