How to Listen to Oklahoma Sooners Basketball Games on Radio Network (NCAAB Radio)

How can I listen to Oklahoma Sooners basketball games on the radio?
by Updated January 24, 2019

Oklahoma Sooners Basketball

To listen to Oklahoma Sooners basketball games on the radio in Oklahoma City tune into KOKC 1520 AM. See all the Oklahoma Sooners Radio Network stations below.

Listen to Oklahoma Sooners Basketball Games on Mobile Device

Android: To listen to Oklahoma Sooners games on your Android phone or Android tablet, you'll want to download the TuneIn Radio app for Android. The TuneIn radio app allows you to stream live radio station feeds right to your device so you can listen to college basketball games on your phone.

Apple: To listen to Oklahoma Sooners games on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, you'll want to download the TuneIn Radio app for Apple.

Here's where you can start listening to Oklahoma Sooners college basketball games live on the radio:

Oklahoma Sooners Basketball Radio Network



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