How to Give Your Cat a Bath

How should I prepare my cat for a bath.

It’s general knowledge that cats are afraid of water. However, a bath keeps them clean and healthy which makes it an inevitable activity. Thus, here the steps on how you can carefully bathe your beloved pet.

Know if it already requires a bath.

If the dirt on your feline’s body can’t be rubbed, combed or brushed off, then it definitely needs a bath already.

Make the necessary preparations.

  • Use lukewarm water in filling the tub in your bathroom. The amount of water in the tub should be based on your pet’s size. Do this step beforehand for running water can sometimes make cats jumpy.
  • Place a towel or a rubber mat at the bottom of the tub for your pet’s utmost comfort.
  • In rinsing your cat, you can optionally use a sprinkler or a bucket.

Prepare yourself as well.

  • Wear old garments such as long-sleeved gloves and shirts or a jumper. These outfits can certainly prevent your skin from being scratched by your pet as you carefully rub his or her body and head.
  • If your pet has a lot of strength to pull away from your grasp, then it would be better for you to ask the help of 2 more individuals as you bathe your cat. They would be in charge of carefully holding the jaw and legs of your pet.

Make necessary preparations for your cat too.

  • If you don’t want to be painfully scratched by your cat, then trim its nails before you give it a bath.
  • If your cat has burrs and long strands of fur, then give it a comb first to have it free from tangles before the bath.
  • If your pet has acquired extremely oily stains, then apply oil (vegetable), bacon grease or softened butter in the affected area before using its shampoo. Just carefully massage that part of your feline’s body and don’t rinse it with water yet. Once the stain has already been lifted from the fur of your pet, then that’s the time you can use a washcloth (dry) to blot the excess dirt away.
  • After removing its stain, you can now use a shampoo that’s exclusively made for cats. Consult your pet’s veterinarian with regards to the most suitable product for your feline.

Actual Bath

  • While giving your pet a bath, converse with it in a low tone. Have a firm hold on its shoulders or neck. If it can’t stand to have all of its feet inside the tub, then you can allow its two feet to stay on the back of the tub for support.
  • Grab a washcloth and have your pet’s body soaked with the use of that material. Have its tail, belly, legs, body and neck washed with clean water and a small amount of shampoo too. Be careful with your strokes for the solution can accidentally get into the cat’s internal system which might cause its death.
  • Now, rinse your cat three times with the use of the water inside the tub and with the water that can come from the faucet or from a bucket.

Dry Your Cat

  • You can place the towels that you’re going to use for this step under a dryer beforehand to give your cat additional warmth. Afterwards, carefully press the fur of your cat to have it almost dry before you place a towel around its body. Rub your cat now with the use of the washcloth. You can actually grab more than one towel if necessary
  • If your cat has longer hair, then you would need to comb it first before rubbing a towel around its body.

Reward Your Pet

Make your pet realize that a bath is not that bad at all by providing it with treats that it would be grateful for.



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