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Why is my Epson Printer not printing over WiFi?

I just bought a new Epson WorkForce ST-C4100 Printer and connected it to wifi and it's connected, but when I try to print from my Windows 11 computer, in the printer queue, I get "Error - Sent to printer". I added my Epson Printer to my Windows 11 computer, but it's not printing over WiFi. Why isn't my Epson Printer printing over WiFi?

1 Answer


If you've recently purchased a new printer, and you've done a Printer Network Check from your Epson printer and all items received "PASS", and it says "Network is working correctly", then you will want to download to your PC or laptop the latest Drivers and Utilities for your printer from Epson. To do so, do the following:
1) Go to:
2) Type in your Epson printer model # and click search.
3) Epson should list all the Drivers and Utilities for your particular printer.
4) Download and install the "Drivers and Utilities Combo Package Installer"
5) Print a test page, and hopefully you'll get an Epson Printer now printing a page over WiFi. "Congratulations, you have finished setting up your printer!"

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