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Why does quotation marks (only showed like this: "") appear sometimes in activity log on Facebook?

Normally it's ex.: searched for "Jane Smith" but occationaly I find it saying only: searched for "".

37 Answers

When you type something in the search box, but then do not press "Enter" to actually complete the search and you just delete what you typed, in your activity log it will say: [name] searched for ""


Random is right, on the search option you write something and then click on x to erase and then cancel.


Yeah but is it something a wife should be concerned with? My husband's entire search is full of these.


Pretty sure it means they deleted who they looked up. My bf admitted he was searching women he met or ex girlfriends than deleting it and that's how it came up


I'm pretty sure as well it means they deleted the name search. I've been testing this myself, as I'm gpig through the same thing. Noticed all these "' searches on my facebook that i share with him so i tested it myself and yes....after you search for someone and delete their name, the quotation marks appear. I redid this many times and same result. The name doesn't show but they forget to delete the quotation marks. So yeah, it means they been searching and deleting.

They don't even have to put in quotations okay y'all. The quotations appear BECAUSE the search was deleted individually. –  AmyWarren1977  Mar 15th, 2024 at 12:33 AM


me too, and im trying to simulate this too show the quotation marks, and i cant get it to work. Can someone explain it better?


I need to know this. It's really weird. Anyone else got any answers?

So as of now , 2024, the platform has changed . But if you notice in the search history every entry has quotations around it , but we don't actually put the quotations there. It's in facebooks algorithm. Used to , when looking in search history , you would see these "" and that's all . That was where the search was deleted . However now , once you delete the search , it's gone, there is no quotations left. I'm sure quite a few cheaters complained about it being left behind when clearly they tried to erase it. –  AmyWarren1977  Mar 15th, 2024 at 12:42 AM


I still can't figure it out. But it's on my bfs search history too


Same issue here, can't figure it out =(


Supposedly it's a bug on Facebook through the search history? As I seen this on my partners Facebook too we had a big bust up about as I thought he was searching someone! I don't know if this is true or hoping it is,
Hope this helps everyone


Its mean that you looking for someone who is not in your friend list ALSO someone who blocked you..but when you type the name you dont press enter you press little X sign..


I finally after months have figured out one way for the quotations to show up. It's when you search anyone, friend, blocked, or someone who isn't a friend and hit enter. You can search their Facebook and go back to search, delete their name from the activity log, go back to your news feed (or anywhere else on Facebook), once you go back to your activity log it has quotations. So yes, someone was searched and deleted in this case. :(


It does mean that you began a search and "x" out. Try it. Nothing shady. Just an aborted search


tested it, only comes up like that when I delete a search


Not completely accurate, I tried both theories. I deleted past searches - did not get a "" and I also started a search and then hit the little x button, still no "". SO I don't know. Maybe just a gliche.


How come search log only shows 2 quotation marks instead of the name?


I'm 100% sure that the "" in a facebook search is due to someone searching something they don't want anyone else to know about VIA incognito window on google. I've tested and proven that every time someone is searched on facebook while in the incognito browser it doesn't save the name of the person searched it just leaves "" the quotation marks instead.


No they are not hiding anything, it's when you don't type anything in search bar but click on the search button to see all the news stories that are trending int he scroll down menu. It happens to me all the time


So I had the EXACT same question. I had been in mine and my hubbys search log/activity log and continued to see "" as a "search".....

I wondered,

"what the hell does this mean?"

So I experimented for a while.

Come to discover that the "" in a search history/activity log means that....

•you clicked on the search bar, but never entered a name,
•then clicked on the home page or the page that goes back to your news feed (without ever entering anything to search)


For those of you stating that it means "a search got DELETED" you are WRONG.


So I tested out since I saw this appear multiple times on my boyfriends Facebook and got curious. So when I try to click on the search bar and not type anything then go to news feed on the regular Facebook app on phone the "" don't appear. But I use Facebook on google instead of the app and if I repeat the process the "" do appear. Usually if you delete one of your searches (in my case) they're deleted and the "" don't appear. But again I'm still curious.


I have done all of these theories and the only one that works is using the private browser and then deleting the original search. this then leaves you with the "" instead of the name of the person you searched. my boyfriend is a prick and constantly looks up girls and this is his new way of doing it without getting caught..... so its true, searches are being deleted


I have tried everything in this post and none of it works. I don't get it. I see them too on my boyfriends account but yet I have deleted and posted and x'd out and canceled and removed. nothing works when I look at mine? it never has "" on it. is there a private search mode? ill see names then 10 "" ???? would be nice to figure it out.


It happens when you indirectly look into someone else's profile through likes or suggested friends. Not type the name in the search bar but get into someone's profile directly.


It appears when you use a private browser like incognito and you deleted the search history.


The truth is if you or someone is on the account through a browser and not the Facebook app, say on a phone for example, and you search someone then delete it it will show up as “” in the search bar. Try it!


EVERYONE LISTEN UP!!!! I am posting concerning smart phone facebook users. People are being idiots on here. There are two ways the searched for "" thing happens.

1. Someone searches for someone, and after the search, PRESSES EDIT AND DELETES THE NAME FROM THE SEARCH BAR. If this has been done, the searched for "" will appear in the ACTIVITY LOG. If the the search has been deleted from the activity log itself, rather than the search bar, there is no record of the search.

2. Simply tap the search bar and press the search icon with no name in the search bar.

Both of these have the same result.


Found out for myself


I looked into this too... bc my husband's search is full of these. Repeat the search then scroll over to photos.... makes me uneasy.


Hi, I have tested it too and nothing worked except one thing a user has mentioned before...
Its Google Chrome as browser that is causing this.

When I log in to my account on chrome and then press the search icon, then type anything but don't press enter but press "cancel" (or erase - I use netherlands facebook so it says annuleren) on the right side of the search bar behind the x icon. Then it really does show up as " in the activity log.

If I write anything and then press enter, but return, it will still show me what I typed in - no matter if friend, no friend, blocked or page... it will always show in the activity log what I typed in.

But for whatever reason, it only happens in Chrome - from what I tested (FB-App, mozilla firefox).

Also, if I check someone via likes or pictures I see, it doesn't show up in the activity log for searches.

I even thought about searching a secret group. I created one with my Moms account - haha - But even that would show up in the activity log as the name of the group.

SO... it only means someone is stopping a search by pressing "cancel". Nothing more.

If I am wrong here, and someone has another reason, I'd be glad to be corrected! :)
But for now, I relax because I don't think my gf is doing shit behind my back. *praying to all gods I heard of to be right about this* ;)


So my significant other is accusing me of searching names then erasing them because he sees the "" ! I have not erased anything!!!! but he thinks I am hiding stuff like my search history. All I am going to say is I think there may be multiple reasons bc this sucks that people are saying on the web it only comes up if someone has been searched and deleted because I don't think that is totally true. I wish he would believe me. I am being accused of something I didn't even do. Technology/Facebook can really ruin a great relationship if people don't know the technical side of things. Facebook please answer this problem!!!


Only thing that worked when I tried is if I search a name then gonig and delete the name out of search history that is when the “” appear


If you do a search an look for something then either find it or not an then click search but cancel it without typing anything the " show up. If you then do the same thing, a search followed by cancel they won't show in the log. As soon as you then search as normal the next time you searched and then cancelled they will show again in the log. Only happens on google chrome when I tried it and not the app.


It happens when the person looks at someone’s profile and then clicks on the persons photos. When clicking on photos it will show quotations in the search history.


I think I I’ve worked this out as it’s been bugging me too. I think if you log onto Facebook and delete a search from that device it then shows up on another device as “”
I logged on to google on my phone and deleted a search and it then showed up on my app as “”
So think it is dodgy 😐


So i tried experimenting and this is what I got

I searched in facebook via incognito mode then i got those annoying ''''

It's the only thing that worked


Just figured it out, if your on the browser and those people who pops on your timeline as people you may know or people who are requesting you. Click on their page and it’ll come on your activity log as “ “. Was trying everything everyone was saying but it still showed what i was writing. So no they weren’t searching for someone and deleting it


When I repeat the “” search it brings up a page of links and posts and pictures of people I don’t know. I am trying to figure out what it means cause
It shows up on my husbands account a lot. He gave me permission to log in. Married 18 years lots of issues.

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