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Why do you need to delete Temporary Files in Windows 7?

Why does Temporary Files fill up with data and slow down your computer? Why do you need to delete Temporary Files in Windows 7?

1 Answer


Windows Temporary Files can take up disk space and slow down your computer, which is why you'll want to periodically delete Temporary Files and Temporary Internet Files.

Windows stores a number of temporary files that sometimes conflict with certain programs. These temporary files are normally created to store information and free memory for other purposes, or to act as a safety net to prevent data loss when a program performs certain functions. These temporary files, however, can conflict with installation programs and make them detect that a program is already installed, or that a patch is installed when the patch has not been applied properly. It can even affect the some programs as they try to start or run. It becomes necessary to periodically delete these remnant files to prevent conflicts, and free up space.

To delete your Windows temporary files, read the sections below for the operating system you are running:

To delete your Windows temporary files on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8:
1. Click on Start (For Windows 8, hit shortcut Windows key + R)
2. Type %temp% in the search box, and then hit the Enter key.
3. Click on one of the files in the folder that just opened, and press Ctrl + A to select all of the files in this folder.
4. Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
5. When prompted if you are sure, choose Yes.

If you receive a Error Deleting File or Folder message while the files are being deleted, it just means that one of the files is in use by a program right now. Click OK, close all open programs, and repeat the steps above. If this continues, try restarting your PC and repeating the process again.


To delete the files in the Temporary Internet Files folder yourself, follow the steps for your version of Windows.

  • Windows 7 and Windows Vista
    1. Click Start  click Control Panel, click Network and Internet, and then click Internet Options.
    2. Click the General tab, and then click Delete under Browsing history.
    3. Click Delete all, click Yes to confirm that you want to delete this information, and then click OK.

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