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What's another way to say 'Thoughts and Prayers'?

What's an alternative way to saying sending thoughts and prayers?

2 Answers


Here are some other ways to say "thoughts and prayers":

"My thoughts are with you and your family"
"You're in my thoughts"
"My thoughts are with you"
"I'll be thinking of you"
"You'll be in my thoughts"
"My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time."
"I'll keep you in my thoughts"
"I'll be sending good thoughts/feelings/karma your way"
"I will be thinking of you and you wishing all the best"
"I'm here if you need me"
"Sending you my best during this trying time"
"My heart goes out to you/him/her/your family. Let me know if there's any way that I can help"
"You and your family are in my thoughts"
"Wishing you all the best"


I always say "May you find peace during this difficult time" or simply "please know my thoughts and best wishes are with you" and sign With Love. If it is genuine it is far from empty.

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