What are some alternatives to saying "Great Job", "Good Job" or "Amazing Job"?
Answer Question
Here are some other ways to say "Great job":Good jobWonderful jobGreat work!Marvelous jobYou Did GreatSuper work!Beautiful workExceptional jobAmazing jobIncredible jobHow incredible!Incredible!Nicely done.Stupendous!That’s the way.This is top-notchExcellent!Fabulous!You did great!You worked hard.I am proud of this.I am proud of youThis is tremendous.This is a remarkable job.This is terrific!Magnificent!How extraordinary.Amazing!Fantastic.Awesome!I love it!You did it!Keep it up!You have it perfectly.You put in a lot of effort.Right on!Splendid!Very impressive.Good for you.Nice going.Way to go!Well done!Really nice job.Nicely doneBravo!That’s great!Hurray!Outstanding!Super-duper!You hit the bulls eye.SuperbBrilliant!Sensational!Sensational work Wow!Your Hard Work Paid Off
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