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What Makes a Hill Different from a Mountain?

How are Hills differentiated from Mountains? What are the differences between hills and mountains?

1 Answer

Distinguishing a hill from a mountain is actually not easy. That is because they don’t have exact specifications given by the USGS or United States Geological Survey.

However, United Kingdom used to have a height requirement of 304.8 m for a landform to be called a mountain. If it doesn’t reach that level, then it’s called a hill.

This concept was even used in the 1995 movie called “The Englishman Who Went up a Hill but Came down a Mountain.” while modifying the names of the real characters in the story. The film depicted a true to life situation in Wales in which people from a certain town added 16 feet of assorted materials to their hill for it to reach the standard height requirement of a mountain and for their town to maintain the honor of having the very first mountain in their country.

On the other hand, American geologists actually followed UK’s standards temporarily but they didn’t want to settle for a height requirement alone. They have come up with another standard measurement of 1,000 foot relief for a landform to be recognized as a mountain.

Nevertheless, all of these figures only lasted until the 1920s which led us now to be confused in determining if a certain landform is a hill or a mountain instead. All we know is that hills can never be as tall and as large as mountains for experts won’t give the ever famous Everest the title of a mountain if they have seen it as a hill in the first place.

Hills can be climbed by anyone without much difficulty. They have softer grounds and they are vaguer. Thus, you can never call a simple hill climbing experience as a great summit adventure. Moreover, most mountains have names and that makes them totally different from less famous hills.

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