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What is the square footage of the White House?

How many square feet is the White House in Washington DC?

3 Answers

The following is the White House dimensions and statistic:

• Floor area (total of 6 floors) approximately 55,000 square feet.

• The White House is 168 feet (51.2 meters) long

• The White House is 85 feet 6 inches (26.1 meters) wide without porticoes; 152 feet wide with porticoes.

• The overall height of the White House (to the top of the roof) is 70 feet on the south and 60 feet 4 inches on the north; the façade (grade of lawn to parapet) is 60 feet on the south (lawn at 54 feet above sea level) and 50 feet 4 inches on the north.

• It takes 300 gallons of white paint to cover the exterior of just the residence portion of the White House (center), excluding the West and East Wings.

• The White House fence encloses 18 acres of land.

• The White House has 132 rooms, including 16 family-guest rooms, 1 main kitchen, 1 diet kitchen, 1 family kitchen, and 35 bathrooms.

• The White House has (excluding storage rooms): 10 rooms on the Ground Floor, 1 main corridor, 6 restrooms; 8 rooms on the State Floor, 1 main corridor, 1 entrance hall; 16 rooms, 1 main corridor, 6 bathrooms, and 1 restroom on the 2nd floor; and 20 rooms, 1 main corridor, 9 bathrooms on the 3rd floor.


55,000 sq ft

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