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What is the Best Waterproof iPhone case?

What is the most waterproof and rugged iPhone 5 case? Do they sell waterproof iPhone 5 or iPhone 4/4s cases?

1 Answer

Hitcase has one of the best waterproof iphone case out there right now. Hitcase is Waterproof Up To 30 Feet! Rugged and a watertight iPhone Case. It turns an iPhone 4/4S (and soon iPhone 5) into an Action Camera just like the GoPro camera. They also have helmet, body and gear mounts for the case. Also you can get a Free Vidometer iPhone App with the Case.

Lifeproof also has some great waterproof cases for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.  Lifeproof cases are Waterproof Up To 6 Meters.

Get discounts on your waterproof case and to use Lifeproof coupons or Hitcase coupons.

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