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What is the best road in the world according to Top Gear?

What is considered the best road to drive in the world according to Top Gear?

1 Answer

The Transfagarasan Highway (in Romania) was said to be the best driving road in the world according to Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear (the British TV show).

In September 2009 the cast and crew of the British television show Top Gear were seen filming along the road. The segment appeared in first episode of Series 14 which first aired November 15, 2009. They were in the country on a grand tour with an Aston Martin DBS Volante, Ferrari California and a Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder. Host Jeremy Clarkson claimed he made a mistake in naming the Stelvio Pass as the best driving road in the world and instead Transfăgărăşan should have this title.

The Transfăgărăşan (trans (over, across) + Făgăraş) or DN7C is the most dramatic and second-highest paved road in Romania. Built as a strategic military route, the 90 km of twists and turns run north to south across the tallest sections of the Southern Carpathians, between the highest peak in the country, Moldoveanu, and the second highest, Negoiu. The road connects the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia, and the cities of Sibiu and Piteşti.

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