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What is the Best iPhone App to Hide Photos with Passcode Lock?

What are the top iPhone photo apps for hiding photos you don't want others to see using a Password. Are there any apps that allow you to hide pictures on your iPhone and keep them out of the photo folder?  So what is the best photo lock app for iphone?

6 Answers


Here are a list of some of the best iphone secret photo and video apps that will keep photos and other files password protected.

#1 - My Secret Folder - Best app for password protecting photos, video, text notes, contacts and bookmarks. Create secret notes for passwords and messages, manage secret bookmarks and browse the web in secret. Also the app detects break-in attempts and logs them by GPS and takes a snapshot of the offender so you can catch nosey partners.

#2 - Lock Photo+Video, Docs+Audio+Notes - Allows you to hide your secret photos, videos, voice recording, notes, documents and other files (including PDF, Text(can be created and edited), PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Html, Pages, etc.).

#3 - My Secret Apps - Passcode lock photos and video, private web browser, secure notes and badge alerts tell you about break-in attempts.
#4 - Lock My Folder - Password protect your photos and video on your iphone, ipad or ipod touch. Additional functionality is planned for free future updates, which include Notes, Contacts, and Bookmarks.

#5 - Lock My Photos - Simple app to password protect photos and keep them away from prying eyes.

NOTE: Make sure you backup any photos or video you add to these password lock apps to your computer (or external drive) if you don't want to lose them, otherwise you will probably lose the pics if something happens to the app (such as an uninstall or the app gets messed up).  Essentially, just be aware that if something happens you will lose everything that was saved in these apps if you don't have a backup copy somewhere else, so just keep that in mind when adding photos, videos, contacts or documents to these apps.

Just wanna share this new app, FILE LOCKER PRO SUITE. It was release last september. The app just cost $0.99. It also has same functionality as for the other applications mentioned above.

Definitely to recommend is Doc Vault.

It protects any kind of file with a separate passcode or dot lock, offers a separate browser with hidden history and a tool to create pdf.

I would recommend you have a closer look at it in the app store: Doc Vault

SPY CALC app allows you to hide UNLIMITED pictures and videos on both free and full version.
The best part is it is a working calculator that only reveals the hidden documents when a special sequence is entered into the calculator.
IMO the other apps reveal that you are hiding something!

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