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What are the new features of iPad 2?

What features are new in Apple's iPad 2 that was just released?

1 Answer


Here are some of the new features in iPad 2:

1) New iPad design makes it 33% thinner

2) Dual webcams on iPad 2. - The rear-facing camera features a 720p HD resolution, and the front-facing camera features VGA resolution.

3) Faster Processors - dual-core A5 CPU processing power is said to be twice as fast as the first iPad's A4 processor

4) Carrier options for 3G + WiFi now are available for AT&T or Verizon.

5) Color options now include black and white iPads.

6) HDMI output - iPad 2 can now connect to high definition displays via a HDMI-out cable. So you can transfer video (up to 1080p) from your iPad to your HDTV and will also charge the iPad while in use.

7) Software in iPad 2 runs iOS 4.3

8) 3-Axis Gyroscope allows the iPad 2 to take advantage of more games and apps.

9) New Apps like iMovie and Garage Band designed specifically for iPad 2.

10) Battery Life is still has the same 10-hour battery life (and up to a month on standby).

11) New magnetic smart cases for iPad 2 put the iPad to sleep when closed and wake the iPad when opened.

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