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Vancouver Canucks iPad app to hear radio broadcast of games?

What Tampa Bay Lightning iPad app can I use to listen to the radio broadcast of the games?

2 Answers


To listen to the Vancouver Canucks on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad you hear the live play by play of the games from the TuneIn Radio app.  From the TuneIn app, go to Sports -> NHL -> Vancouver Canucks Play by Play.

You can also hear the Canucks on the official NHL iPad app. Download the NHL GameCenter Premium iPad app).

NHL GameCenter Premium for the iPad gives you access to In-game video highlights, live game radio, condensed game videos, multitasking, scores, stats, ice tracker and more.


- In Game Video Highlights
- Live Game Radio
- Condensed Game Videos
- MULTITASKING-- listen to live game radio on NHL GameCenter™ while browsing the web or interacting with other applications
- Stats
- Ice Tracker™ and Play-by-Play
- Scores
- Game Photos
- Schedule
- Standings
- News
- Player Profiles

There is an NHL GameCenter iPhone app.

I recommend an app called "Hockey Radio"

I was looking for ways to listen to games on my phone without breaking the bank. I stumbled on an app called "Hockey Radio" that lets you listen to all teams. I listened to a few games and was blown away with how well this worked for 99 cents. I figured I would share this with my fellow hockey fans. I have the Android one but noticed there is also an iPhone version.

iPhone link:

Android link:

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