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How do you make Yogurt?

Making Yogurt from scratch?

1 Answer


Yogurt is a very healthy treat with lots of health benefits. Many would wonder why yogurt tastes different. The tangy taste that characterized a yogurt is because of the bacterial fermentation present within the contents of yogurt. Yogurt is often made from cow’s milk but other types of milk such as sheep, camel, and goat’s milk are also used.

The usual bacteria that is introduced in the yogurt are the Streptococcus thermophilus and                        Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Other types of Lactubacillus species are being introduced also in different countries.

Making a yogurt is quite easy. Different yogurt brands make yogurt differently to modify the taste or the texture of it. However, here are the simple steps in making a yogurt.

  1. The first step is to heat the milk in 200ºF or 93ºC for about 10-30 minutes. The longer the milk is heated, the thicker its mixture will be.
  2. The milk is then cooled quickly in 112ºF or 44ºC while being mixed with a yogurt starter. The yogurt starter is very essential since it has the bacteria needed to make the yogurt.
  3. The next step is to store the mixture for approximately 4 hours in a 100ºF or 37ºC. The incubation period is important since it determines the acidity of the yogurt. The longer it is incubated, the more tart is developed.
  4. The yogurt will then be stored in the freezer or any cool environment for 10 days. After that, it is now ready to be consumed.

Yogurt is quite easy to make and it can be made at home by using any yogurt available in the market as a starter. This can be done because commercial yogurts already contain live bacteria that can be used as starters.

One of the reasons why yogurt is beneficial to the body is because of its high acidic mixture which will prevent harmful bacteria to thrive in the body. Another health benefit in yogurt is the prevention of yeast infection among women because Lactobacillus acidophilus prevents Candida albicans to thrive in the body because of the high acidic content.

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