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Does Lowe's tell you when they will deliver your new appliance?

I just bought a new dishwasher, how will I know when Lowes will deliver the dishwasher to my house? It didn't say when it would be delivered when I ordered it. Will they call to schedule a delivery?

4 Answers


I ordered a new dishwasher from Lowe's on Wednesday, August 20th, 2014. When I ordered it online from Lowes there was a message that said I'd get a call to schedule delivery within 24hours of Aug. 30th. While I should have known this, it pretty much meant (on) or (by) Aug. 30th... Since, my dishwasher was actually delivered today Aug. 25th. They did call me, however it was at 7:42 AM the day of delivery to say they were delivering the dishwasher between 8am and 10am. The delivery guys showed up about a half hour later to delivery the dishwasher.

Unfortunately, I wasn't expecting a delivery on the day of delivery (until they called minutes before), and didn't have a chance to unhook my old dishwasher and give it to them to recycle. While I probably should have had the old dishwasher unhooked and ready for them to take in the days previously, I was thinking I would have 24 hours notice of the scheduled delivery, which would have given me time to unhook everything.

This was probably the first time I could have used more of a warning window before a delivery. I talked to the delivery guy, and he said since my dishwasher wasn't unhooked and ready to take, to call Lowes and see if they would be able to reschedule the pick up of the old dishwasher since they are in my area a lot. So hopefully, they'll be able to come back out and get it without charging me extra.

At any rate, here's Lowe's stated policy that I received in the "Your Order is in Process" email from Lowe's:
"A Lowe's representative will call within 24 hours of purchase to schedule your delivery. If you don't receive a call after 24 hours, please call Customer Care at 1-800-44-LOWES Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. (ET) and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. (ET)."


I went to the store and bought a refrigerator and they said it would be delivered on June 6 and when I called they said it was the19th and they would push me up to the 17th ... can you tell me if they are delivering it tomorrow.9594a


What time do deliveries start?

More than likely 8 AM, but call your local Lowe’s to confirm. –  Answers  Jul 1st, 2021 at 1:28 PM


They are supposed to call 24hrs to confirm and then 30min from arriving.

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