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How can i transfer voice memo from iphone to computer?

Just few days ago, when I strolled one iphone forum I often visit, one of my friend asked me a question that if we don’t want it take up our iphone storage , could we transfer our iphone voice memo from iphone to computer for backup? For all the voice memos maybe some key for us, I don’t want to delete them thoroughly.

After seeing this question, I am confused because I have never tried to transfer or copy my iphone voice memos to my pc for backup. If you are also an iphone user, a seasoned iphone user, could you give us one clue to get iphone voice memos to computer? Thanks for your kindly and helpful answers in advance!

4 Answers

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Hello cecillovell2, There are two ways to copy iPhone voice memo from to your computer for backup.

One way: Free but just copy from one to one.
-Connect your iPhone to your computer.
-Left click on your itunes music folder.
-In the search box in the upper right type in "Voice Memos".
-You should see all of your iPhone voice memos, highlight the the ones you want copied.
-Right click.
-Select Add to playlist.
-Pick the playlist want them added to.
-Disconnect your iPhone and test a voice memo to make sure it copied.

Note: Make sure the box is checked under 'music'>'include voice memos. When the sync fails do the following:
Unplug iPhone from the computer after the failed sync
- In iTunes, select File –> Library –> Organize Library –> Consolidate files
- Plug in the iPhone & sync again.When you are tying to locate a voice memo in the list of voice memos in iTunes, which appears alphabetically as the playlist 'voice memos' amongst your playlists on the right hand side in iTunes, you can search by date.

Two way: Paid, but copy in a time
Use iPhone to Computer Transfer, which allows you to easily and fast transfer voice memos from iPhone to PC for backup. Then you can upload the iPhone voice memos to YouTube, Facebook, etc. to share those audio recording with your friends, copy an audio CD or add them to iPod touch, iPad.
Here is the article about

Choose the suitable way you want according to your demands

PS: I don't what system are you using? If your' re Mac user, read
Asker's Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Thanks, I tried iStonsoft software, it really works.

Hi dear cecillovell2, I know the one way can fast and safe help you.

One of the frequently used features of iPhone is the ability to quickly record voice memos. This feature is very interesting. If you have recorded many voice memos on your iPhone 5/4S/4/3GS, you may want to transfer them to your computer for backup. Here are several ways of getting your voice memos off your iPhone and transfer to your computer once you have a voice memo recorded on your iPhone.
Way 1: Use iPhone to Computer Transfer
To make the transference simple, we recommend iPubsoft iPhone to Computer Transfer, a simple yet formidable program which allows you to fast transfer not only voice memos, but also other iPhone content, including movies, songs, eBooks, playlists, podcasts, etc., almost all types of data any way, to computer. It works well with all iPhone models, including iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS. Mac version is also available. Click on the iPubsoft iPhone to Mac Transfer. For the detail step by step

Hello, thanks for your reply, but I used Vibosoft tool, it can move all of my files from iPhone 4s to my computer without any loss, here is the guide:


It's very easy to transfer voice memos from your iPhone to your computer.
For Mac users, here's also a guide to help you do the transfer.

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