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Does TuneIn Radio stream MLB games?

Will TuneIn Radio stream major league baseball games?

4 Answers

Doesn't look like it, as I am trying to listen to the Phillies on either 610am or 1210 am but it doesn't let me...


I work for TuneIn, and MLB does not permit us (or any other Internet radio provider) to stream broadcasts of games, even within local markets. MLB has its own audio app, "At Bat 11." We are working with minor league teams to create dedicated stations for them on TuneIn, and in fact just today we announced the new station for the Carolina Mudcats, the Double A affiliate of the Reds.

Scott...I was interested to know how does TuneIn radio stream or broadcast all these stations?..does it just program in the RSS feeds? guys don't pay any licensing fees?..I've always wondered about that


As far as I know its no. What you gotta to do is find a sister station that carries it and get it from there. Ex. the K.C. Royals games are not streaming on Am 610 which suppose to be the one that carries all their games but will not stream any , so i have to go to KTTN 92.3 country legends when the game is on and stream it on tune in. hope this helps.

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