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How do I stream ESPN live on my iPhone or iPad?

How can I watch ESPN cable live for free on my iPhone or iPad?

2 Answers


To watch ESPN live sports and shows on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad you can now download the FREE WatchESPN app from iTunes. You'll have live streaming tv feeds from ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3 and ESPNU.  You can also download the ESPN Radio app to listen to ESPN radio broadcasts.

However, to get access to the WatchESPN live video you'll need to already be getting ESPN as part of your TV package from Time Warner Cable, Verizon FIOS TV & Bright House Networks. More cable providers are being added regularly. So you will have to register your cable provider with WatchESPN.  Although, the app will give you 4 hours of watch time before making you complete the entire registration process.

Here are some of the WatchESPN features:
Up-to-the-minute news, highlights and analysis with live streaming access to your favorite ESPN shows, including:
* SportsCenter
* Mike & Mike
* SportsNation
* Baseball Tonight
…and every other ESPN original show
* NBA Regular Season and Playoffs
* Major League Baseball
* The Masters, US Open and The Open Championships
* College Football and Basketball
* Barclay’s Premier League, Spanish Primera Division and Euro 2012 Soccer
* All 4 Grand Slam tennis events
…and thousands more live events airing on the ESPN networks

NOTE: An iPad-optimized app is scheduled for May release.


Can you watch ESPN online on my ipad?

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