How to Capture Screenshots with Windows Vista Snipping Tool

by Updated January 10, 2010

Windows Vista comes with a little known tool called the "Snipping Tool" that allows you to take screenshots of your computer screen. The Snipping Tool has the ability to take 4 different types of screenshots. You can choose from Free-form Snip, Rectangular Snip, Window Snip, or Full-screen snip Here's how to get started using the Snipping Tool to capture screenshots:

  1. Click 'Start' -> 'All Programs' -> 'Accessories' -> 'Snipping Tool'
  2. The Snipping Tool will pop-up, click the 'New' button to start using the Snipping Tool or click the down arrow next to the 'New' button to change the type of snip to use. 
  3. After selecting and capturing a screen section, the Snipping tool will allow you to email or save the screen grab to you computer as a .gif, .jpeg, or .png image file.  Note: Before saving the image, you can select a Highlighter or Pen tool to write on top of the screen grab.

Overall, the Vista Snipping Tool is a neat little program for capturing and saving screenshots images to your computer.




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