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Why does my Insignia 50" Amazon Fire TV Edition freeze up?

Why is my Insignia 50" TV freezing up? Every so often the Insignia smart tv gets stuck, and the only thing I can do is turn it off with the power button on the remote or TV. What's causing the Insignia Smart TV to get stuck?

1 Answer


The Insignia 50-inch Smart 4K UHD - Fire TV Edition may sometimes freeze up and get stuck on the home screen due to either a lack of memory, or due to changes to your WiFi / router.  The remote could also need to be paired (or faulty).  But often with computers, if you just unplug everything, turn it off / on and restart, it will resolve the problem.

So the TV starts freezing up, I recommend you unplug your Router and WiFi network, then also unplug the Insignia TV to reboot it (don't just turn it off with remote). Then go into Settings -> Apps, and delete any un-needed data from Apps that you do not need to free up some internal memory. The TV is cheap for a reason, and they seemed to have skimped on memory and power.

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