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Who is the guy singer that performed and sang with Bono and The Edge on American Idol season finale?

Who is the other guy singer that performed with U2's Bono and The Edge on the season 10 American Idol finale?  They were performing a song off the soundtrack for the next Spiderman movie. 

Who was singing the spiderman theme with bono?

2 Answers


The other singer performing the Spiderman theme song on the American Idol finale with Bono and the Edge was Reeve Carney.

Reeve Carney stars in the Spider Man musical on Broadway.

You can listen to the song they performed called "Rise Above" on Youtube

Download the song from iTunes here: Rise Above 1 (feat. Bono and The Edge) - Single - Reeve Carney featuring Bono and The Edge

reeve carney

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