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When is the expected date of the Groupon IPO?

When will Groupon go public and shares be publicly traded?

4 Answers


Groupon IPO is expected to go public in the third or forth quarter of 2011.

"Groupon is likely to pick Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to lead a second-half initial public offering that could value the fast-growing daily deals site at $15 billion to $20 billion, a source familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

Groupon could raise as much as $1 billion in the IPO, which could come in the second half of 2011."

Groupon delays IPO, waits out market turmoil

"Groupon has put its IPO on hold for at least a few weeks, hoping to ride out global market turmoil while dealing with regulatory questions surrounding its highly anticipated public float, two sources with knowledge of the deal said.

The daily deal company, which had intended to launch into the final phase of its initial public offering in mid- to late September, joins Zynga and other would-be market debutantes that have postponed flotations as the dismal outlook for developed economies hammers stock markets.

Since Groupon filed for a $750 million IPO in June, some on Wall Street have also questioned Groupon's financial disclosures, including its use of a metric that excludes marketing and other expenses from profit calculations. Others fear the company's growth is slowing in North America.

To hit an unofficial deadline to debut this month, the company would have had to launch a roadshow to attract potential investors this week or next.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier on Tuesday that Groupon had scheduled a roadshow for next week but has called that off now.

The company is not canceling its IPO, but is reassessing the timing of an offering on a week-by-week basis, the sources said on condition of anonymity because the IPO process is not public."

"Groupon Inc. set a Nov. 4 date for its long-anticipated IPO, saying it seeks to raise as much as $621 million, valuing the company at up to $11.4 billion."

Groupon is expected to price November 3 and trade on the NASDAQ beginning Nov 4th.

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