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When does the NFL 2015 preseason season begin?

When is the first NFL preseason game start in the summer of 2015? What time is kickoff for the first NFL preseason Hall of Fame game for the 2015-16 season?

1 Answer


The 2015 NFL preseason will kick off on Sunday, Aug. 9 (NBC, 8 p.m. ET), in Canton, Ohio, when the Pittsburgh Steelers face the Minnesota Vikings in the Hall of Fame Game.

Here's the entire NFL 2015 preseason schedule:

WEEK 1 (Aug. 13-17)

Carolina at Buffalo
Dallas at San Diego
Denver at Seattle
Green Bay at New England
Indianapolis at Philadelphia
Kansas City at Arizona
Miami at Chicago
New Orleans at Baltimore
NY Giants at Cincinnati
NY Jets at Detroit
Pittsburgh at Jacksonville
San Francisco at Houston
St. Louis at Oakland
Tampa Bay at Minnesota
Tennessee at Atlanta
Washington at Cleveland

WEEK 2 (Aug. 20-24)

Buffalo at Cleveland (ESPN, Aug. 20)
St. Louis at Tennessee (FOX, Aug. 23)
Cincinnati at Tampa Bay (ESPN, Aug. 24)
Atlanta at NY Jets
Baltimore at Philadelphia
Chicago at Indianapolis
Dallas at San Francisco
Denver at Houston
Detroit at Washington
Green Bay at Pittsburgh
Jacksonville at NY Giants
Miami at Carolina
New England at New Orleans
Oakland at Minnesota
San Diego at Arizona
Seattle at Kansas City

WEEK 3 (Aug. 27-30)

Detroit at Jacksonville (CBS, Aug. 28)
Seattle at San Diego (CBS, Aug. 29)
Houston at New Orleans (FOX, Aug. 30)
Arizona at Oakland (NBC, Aug. 30)
Atlanta at Miami
Chicago at Cincinnati
Cleveland at Tampa Bay
Indianapolis at St. Louis
Minnesota at Dallas
New England at Carolina
NY Jets at NY Giants
Philadelphia at Green Bay
Pittsburgh at Buffalo
San Francisco at Denver
Tennessee at Kansas City
Washington at Baltimore

WEEK 4 (Sept. 3-4)

Arizona at Denver
Baltimore at Atlanta
Buffalo at Detroit
Carolina at Pittsburgh
Cincinnati at Indianapolis
Cleveland at Chicago
Houston at Dallas
Jacksonville at Washington
Kansas City at St. Louis
Minnesota at Tennessee
New Orleans at Green Bay
NY Giants at New England
Oakland at Seattle
Philadelphia at NY Jets
San Diego at San Francisco
Tampa Bay at Miami

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