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When does the 2016 College football season start?

What day does the NCAA College football season officially begin in 2016

1 Answer

The first game of the 2016 College football season will be played in Sydney Australia and will kick off at 10 p.m. ET on Friday night Aug. 26, 2016 in the USA, or noon local time on Saturday in Australia. The season opens with just one FBS game that weekend, as California faces off against Hawaii at ANZ Stadium in Sydney and will be the first college football game played in Sydney, and the first in Australia since 1987.

The following Thursday (Sept. 1, 2016) will be the more traditional start to the season, with 16 games on deck, including a conference game between South Carolina vs. Vanderbilt. There are 11 more games on Friday, Sept. 2, 2016, including Kansas State vs. Stanford and the Colorado-Colorado State rivalry.

Then, Saturday Sept. 3, 2016 kicks off the College football season Saturday games. Here are a few of the big time match ups set to go head to head on Saturday:

Alabama vs. Southern California (at AT&T Stadium)
LSU vs. Wisconsin (at Lambeau Field)
Oklahoma vs. Houston (at NRG Stadium)
Clemson vs. Auburn
North Carolina vs. Georgia (Chick-fil-A Kickoff at the Georgia Dome)
UCLA vs. Texas A&M
Boston College vs. Georgia Tech (in Dublin, Ireland)

Just to name a few.

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