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When are Federal Income Taxes Due in 2013?

What is the deadline date when Federal taxes must be filed in 2013?  When are Taxes due in 2013?

3 Answers

For 2013, the IRS Tax filing deadline is on Monday, April 15, 2013.

In 2013 it will be exactly Monday, April 15.   Every year the tax deadline is usually on or around April 15.

I will file before April 15th. If I can't make the full amount due, what do I do
"If you cannot pay the full amount of taxes you owe, don’t panic. Even though penalties and interest add up if you don’t file and pay on time, you can avoid or limit these charges by filing on time, by April 15. You should also pay as much as you can by the April 15 deadline because failure-to-pay penalties and interest are due on any unpaid balance and increase the amount you owe." see more options here: –  Answers  Apr 3rd, 2013 at 7:08 PM

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