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What is the proper word use of "To" and "Too"?

How do you use "To" and "Too" properly?

1 Answer

The English language has plenty of similar words that are often used interchangeably or incorrectly. Take for example the words “to” and “too.” These two words are often misused and in turn misguided readers as to what they have been reading. These words have different meaning and uses.

The word “too” is an adverb that emphasizes another adverb or adjective. It means more than what is usual. An example is “She drives the car too fast.” “The dress is way too big for her to fit.” Another use of the word is for emphasis of any situation or condition which is similar to the first usage. The word “too” gives power to similar emotions like “She is happy and Edna is happy too.”

Since we have discussed the basic usage of “too,” let us now look into the word “to.” This word has many uses and it should not be very hard to distinguish it from the uses of the other word. The first use of “to” is to give direction like in phrases “go to,” “to that place,” and many other references of places. It answers the question “where.” Another usage is for reference of a particular condition or reaching to that particular condition. Phrases as examples are “from black to white,” It also determines the starting point and limit of a reference such as “from here to there,” The reference may of time, place, intensity, duration, and many other terms that can be used as reference. Another very common use of the word “to” showing who or what the receiver is. That is why you can see the word in gift cards and letters. It is also used as an infinitive marker in the English grammar.

These two words are not actually very hard to define and use. Even without knowing all the uses of these two different words, we get to have an idea on how to use the words properly based on how these words are commonly used.

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