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What is the meaning of YQ in text?

What does the acronym YQ mean in a text message? What's the meaning of the abbreviation YQ in an online chat message or on Facebook and Twitter?

7 Answers

The acronym YQ means "I like you".

it means YA!  (YQ can be a misspelling for YA, since the letter Q is directly above A on a keyboard.)


It means ya because the q is right there next to the a it doesn't mean I like you


it means "i like you"


Many people think it is a misspelt word for Ya.It isn’t. Yq means “I like you” but it also has many other meanings.
For example it may mean:
“Your cute”
“What is the answer”
“I like you”

In conclusion the best option is to not use acronyms as nobody understands them!


im pretty sure it means i like you

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