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What is the fastest pitch ever thrown by a Major League Baseball pitcher?

What's the fastest pitch ever thrown by a Major League Baseball pitcher?

4 Answers

The Cincinnati Reds left-hander, Aroldis Chapman holds the world record for fastest pitch ever thrown in major league baseball history. On September, 24th 2010, he set a world record by throwing a pitch that clocked 105.1 mph in a game at San Diego.

On Monday (4-18-2011), Chapman zipped a fastball past Pittsburgh's Andrew McCutchen that registered 106 mph on the Great American Ball Park scoreboard. However,'s Pitch/FX tracker clocked the throw at 105.

"However, the television broadcast radar read 105 mph and Pitch F/X had Chapman reaching a top speed of 102. Had the 106 mph been legitimate, it would have broken his previous record of 105.1 mph set in September last year in San Diego."

  Aroldis Chapman at 107


112 MPH by masahiro tanaka

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