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What is the earliest time to buy alcohol in California?

What's the earliest time in the morning you are allowed to buy alcohol in California?

8 Answers


Starting at 6AM and ending at 2AM you can buy alcohol (on-premises and off-premises) in California. Private retail stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores, all can sell beer, wine, and spirits.

Sales of any type of alcohol are legal at any store that has an off-premises liquor license, including but not limited to convenience stores and grocery stores. Bars may sell closed containers of alcohol for consumption off the premises. Drive-through liquor stores are allowed.

Legal Age for Drinking/Serving Alcohol - You must be 21 to drink or work at a bar in California, but there is no age limit for handling alcohol in retail stores as long as a manager who is 21 or older is supervising. You can work in a restaurant that sells alcohol at age 18


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chevron won.t sell after 11 are the just playing with me or what

2am-6am no Jesus juice


County says 6 am. Each store can set its own rules however. Local grocery downtown won't sell before 10am due to loss prevention issues with the number of staff on hand.


6am but most stores wont sell to you untill 11am.

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