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What does FAM mean when texting?

What is the meaning of FAM? What does the abbreviation FAM mean in a text message?

31 Answers

FAM is an acronym in texting, which stands for "Family".

It means Family in slang for FAM. Hope I helped!

I thought it met family too, but the person who was texting me said "nah fam" then when I said huh they said "idk" then a while later they said "just relax fam" but family doesn't make sense in those situations

Yes same thing i thought it meant family but the way the person my friend was talking to said it i don't think it meant family so say if someone says "you a cheater fam" wt does that mean because i'm still lost O.o


•form of address for a friend or close friend.


I think it means "For a minute" cause I've seen people type "chill fam" sooo yeah hah but I could be wrong.


It means familiar


fam: has 2 meanings , a close friend or friend and family.


It means friend or family like I got u fam


Family, close friend you consider family


It either means family or close friend


For a minute


I think Fam means like family 👪 it's just short 4 family


For A Minute


FAM maybe means family.....Short for family




Fam is Family


It means someone is thinking of you as a close friend or family. 


It's chavvy talk for a friend who is as close as family!! Twats in Derby say it a lot thinking they are cool & hard!!!! They are just big headed drug dealers tho!!


FAM means family
ex: I got you FAM


Family is slang for like family close friends or just a friend it can be answered in a question like:
Jack:Do you think jade is hot?
Finn: Nah fam
I'm so stressed........
Just chill fam

It means someone you can trust or a closer friend....


Umm I'm pretty sure there is another meaning then family, I'm pretty sure the person asking wasn't talking about family, For A Minute makes sense.


I don't know...somebody on a forum I don't even know text replied to me with "AA TYSM FAM!"
I recognize TYSM as "thank you so much" but...still not sold on it being family or for a minute. I think it depends on the situation....and the fact that its probably started from my retarded generation and the even younger and more yellow-bellied generation who run off of what we started.


I know for a fact that fam means friend or familly that is far from being a close relative or friend

that was what it was meant to be when we wrote it in the. snap chat where we were trying someting new


Depends on how its used and whether its in " " or ( ) or all caps, and so on. Family, close friend,for a minute, Food & a movie, fake ass motherfucker, and im sure what ever else someone can come up with depends on how you receive it as well.


Pinterest, Wikipedia, and always GOOGLE¿¿¿¿


From the beginning, "fam" has been used both as a genuine term for your chosen family, and as a sort of condescending, dismissive way of addressing people for whom you have little respect. As 2017 dawns, there's a good chance we'll see a decline in the usage of this word, particularly as part of, "It's lit, fam," but hey - you can say it if you want to.

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