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What does EAS mean in texting?

1 Answer

EAS may stand for:

- Emergency Alert System, U.S. government warning system
- End Of Active Service, end of an enlisted member's term in the military
- EAS (nutrition brand), sports nutrition company
- EAS, IATA airport code for the San Sebastián Airport
- Early Admissions Scheme (Hong Kong), university entrance program in Hong Kong that allows students to bypass the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
- Early American Studies, an academic journal published by the University of Pennsylvania Press
- East Asia Summit, a group of 16 nations from ASEAN, North-east Asia and Australasia
- Electric acoustic stimulation, hearing aid and a cochlear implant in the same ear
- Electronic article surveillance, tagging system to prevent shoplifting in retail stores and pilferage of books in libraries
- Electrophilic aromatic substitution, class of organic reactions
- EAS (weapons), abbreviation for the Greek defence company Ellinika Amyntika Systimata
- EnergyAustralia Stadium, corporate name for the Newcastle International Sports Centre in Newcastle, Australia
- Enterprise Application Suite, a type of software for enterprise resource planning
- Equivalent airspeed, aeronautics term for the actual airspeed of a plane with zero error on its airspeed indicator
- Essential Air Service, program that guarantees small communities in the United States are served by commercial airlines
- European Academy of Sociology, a fellowship of sociologists
- Extended area service, telecommunications term for calling a wider physical area without the use of long distance charges
- Extensive air shower, a shower of high energy particles in the atmosphere due to cosmic rays
- EAS Airlines, acronym for Executive Air Services
- Electronic Air Suspension, the air suspension system installed on the P38A variant of Land Rover's Range Rover

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