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What are the Main Differences Between HTTP and HTTPS?

What is Different Between the internet URL protocol http and https?

1 Answer

Information is transmitted and received across the Internet because of the system called the Hypertext Transfer Protocol or http. Http is responsible in processing the request and response of the agents on the Internet. It makes the transfer of information fast, easy and accurate provided the agents follow its rules. The information is easily accessed by clients and disseminated between servers because of http. It is useful inn accessing html pages but it is also very useful in getting other resources. To secure the sensitive information clients are exchanging, Netscape Corporation developed https or secure https to make transactions and dissemination of information secured and authorized.

Http and https are similar in some ways. For one thing they follow the same protocol. Both use a standard port in establishing a connection to a server. A status and a message are received when a request is made. The requested information is contained here otherwise if there is an error or malfunction in the procedure, it will be indicated in the message. The resources are identified universally because both use one Uniform Resource Identifier scheme. Using https in a URI scheme instead of http shows that an encrypted connection is preferred.

Http and https differ in some ways like the default port; http is 80 and https is 443. Https sends out https transactions via an encrypted system so that only the client and the server can access it. Two regular types of encryption layers are Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). The data records exchanged are being encoded in these types of encryption layers.

Upon initial https connection, a list of encryption methods it supports is offered. As soon as the client chooses a connection method, the client and the server authenticate their identities by giving each other their certificates. After this procedure and by using the same key, both parties are now ready to exchange encrypted information. It is required for a server to have a public key certificate; the key owner’s identity will have to be identified before it can host http connections. The key is secured because a third party verifies most of the certificates.

Https is very useful in many ways. It can be used in more applications where data has to be secured like corporate log-ons, forms, log-in pages for banking and many other applications. It is necessary that the user should be very careful in giving out information while using the Internet. It is not advisable to accept certificates that are questionable as https is not perfect especially if not used properly.

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