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What are the best Summer Olympics 2012 iPhone apps?

What are the best iphone apps and ipad apps for the 2012 Summer Olympics?

1 Answer

NBC is releasing really great FREE iphone, ipod and ipad apps that will bring the best experience of the London 2012 Olympics to your smartphones and tablets.  They will be offering Free streaming video content of every event.

1) NBC Olympics Live Extra: You can watch every moment of the 2012 London Olympic Summer Games LIVE for FREE with the NBC Olympics Live Extra app

2) NBC Olympics app - During the Olympics, you can follow every event from London, including real-time results & schedules, medal counts and TV & Online listings. And during the nightly Primetime Show televised on NBC, the app will feature a second screen experience that makes a great companion to the on-air broadcast!

If you're an Android phone user. (See: NBC Olympic Apps here)

Other notable Summer Olympic apps that you can check out now are the following:

3) OFFICIAL LONDON 2012 MOBILE APPS : There are two official mobile apps to help users keep in touch with the Games wherever they are. The Join In app is available to download now on Android and iOS (iPhone / iPad). The Results app will be available later this summer.

4) 2012 Summer Games London Offline : This App is an unofficial guide to the London 2012 Olympics and Paraympics games. It has a completely self contained database with no connections to the Internet. (iPad version).

5) 2012 Team USA Road To London : The official Team USA 2012 Road to London application provided by the United States Olympic Committee. The app will follow the making of Team USA and their experience in London during the 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic games.

6) London 2012 - Official Mobile Game : Play the London 2012 Olympic Games on your smart phone!

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