Answers » Categories » Relationships vs. eHarmony, which is better? vs. eHarmony, which online dating service is better?

1 Answer


I've had friends how have found serious boyfriends and girlfriends using both and eHarmony. So both are good choices if you're looking to find good partner using online dating. is the largest dating site, so no matter where you live you should have more potential dates. Match is also a little easy to get started using, so if you are excited to get right into the swing of online dating, then is one of the best sites to start with. Read full review and coupons. is also a good online dating site, and is geared toward people looking for marriage. So if you're looking for a really serious relationship, then you may want to try eHarmony. Read full eHarmony review and eHarmony coupons.

If you're going to sign up for a dating site, you may want to use one of these online dating coupons

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