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Is a Vegetarian Diet really a Healthier Way of Life?

Will going on a vegetarian diet actually be healthier for you in the long run?

1 Answer

Well of course it is! Time and time again this has been proven globally by independent researchers as well as regulatory health and food advisory committees. A natural plant based diet is simply healthier than eating meat and animal products. Regardless of age or sex, a vegetarian diet is always the healthier choice.

Research has showed without question that a vegetarian diet is advantageous to our health. The likelihood of diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, and obesity is shown to diminish by up to 40% while increasing the potential for living a longer life by up to 20%. In some cases due to the overwhelming evidence of health benefits, health insurance organizations even give decreased rates for individuals who self-identify as vegetarians or vegans.

More often than not, people fear the vegetarian lifestyle because they are concerned with the lack of daily protein. These people are unfortunately misinformed and often persuaded by the meat companies to believe that only meat provides energy and protein. In actual fact, this is not true. A proper vegetarian diet is not only easy to maintain, but a plant based wholefood diet requires no special effort. Often this concern only pertains to developing countries where they are limited to a few items to eat. However in countries that are abundant with food, lack of protein consumption is not a concern.

In 1983, China, the United Kingdom and the United States came together and collaborated in an in-depth study of dietary habits, overall health, and lifestyle choices. The study involved over 6,500 voluntary subjects who documented their daily behaviors over numerous years. The results were astounding, contradicting the Western belief that meat is an essential staple and a necessary supplier of iron. The research showed that on average the vegetarian subjects consumed two times the iron as the common American.

In a 1991 report, the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted their own study on the effects of a vegetarian diet. Their findings matched those of the study mentioned above and even concluded that predominantly meat and dairy heavy diets can cause diseases which include obesity, osteoporosis and kidney complications. WHO even forecasts a greater cancer crisis should meat and dairy trends persist in Western countries. Furthermore the report recommends that amendments be made to nutritional guidelines by reducing meat and dairy intake.

The Physicians Committee of Responsible Medicine (PCRM) also provides supporting evidence that a vegetarian or vegan diet reduces the risk of disease. The PCRM which is comprised of over 5,000 medical professionals, reviewed 100 plus research studies and concluded that not only do plant based diets promote a healthy living, but vegetarian and vegan diets provide enough daily nutritional value. Due to these findings, in 1996, the United States government for the first time identified vegetarian and vegan diets as healthy and meeting standards for recommended daily consumption.

The evidence is clear. A vegetarian or vegan diet is simply the healthier choice. It not only provides a nutritious diet, but it reduces the potential for disease.

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