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Immigration, Emigration and Migration: How to Use the Terms Properly?

1 Answer

Immigration, emigration, migration may seem to look, sound, and mean the same to most people; however, there are proper uses of these terms. True that these terms are related and mean moving or transferring from one place to another but it entails a correct English grammar to be able to use these terms properly.

Migration is the umbrella term and it means movement of people or animals from one place to another. Oftentimes it is being used to refer movement of people from one country to another. It also clarifies leaving one place in exchange for another. AN example of proper usage for the term is, “Mass migration happened when World War II happened.”

Immigration is the term being used when referring to moving to another country or place. It is a descriptive word that means someone is going to another country. For example, “The people’s immigration to the USA has created a large impact in the country’s economy.” When we use the term, we entail that people are moving to that country.

If immigration would refer to the country where one person moves, emigration on the other hand would refer to the country or place where one person moves from. The term always follow the word “from.” An example is, “Anna emigrated from Canada to Australia to seek greener pastures.”

Having known the correct ways of how these three terms should be used, we will not anymore commit grammar errors with regards to these terms. As you can see, the most popular word among the three is “immigration.” This is because it is often being used and often being associated with movement. Aside from that, immigration has been a very popular issue among highly-developed countries such as USA because of migrations of people from other places of the world. These countries are always on the watch to check whether people are following legal protocols or not.

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