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How do i set my Facebook account so you can't see anything if you're not my friend?

How do i set my Facebook account so you can't see anything if you're not my friend? For some reason, right now people can still see my likes and friends which I don't want.

2 Answers

To lock down your Facebook account so people who aren't your friends can't view your Facebook Profile do the following:

1. Login into your account
2. Click on "Account" menu tab (in upper right), then select "Privacy Settings".
3. On the Privacy Settings page under "Connecting on Facebook", click on "View Settings".
4. On this page, you can now change drop down settings from "Everyone" to "Friends Only" so everyone will NOT see your friend list, hometown, likes, activities, and other connections. You can then Preview Your Profile to see what it looks like, after you've changed settings.

Keep in mind, Your name, profile picture, gender and networks are visible to everyone on Facebook.


You got to put in your privacy settings that you only want your friends to see your infomation

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