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How can I tell if Social Reader is activated on my Facebook profile?

Is there a way to check to see if Facebook's Social Reader is enabled for my profile when I read news stories on other websites? I don't want SocialReader to be activated, nor do I want my friends seeing what I'm reading. How can I find out if Social Reader is enabled?

1 Answer

You can check the apps' permissions in your “Privacy Settings”. Go to “Apps, Games and Websites” and click the “Edit” button next to it. There you see your apps and can edit them one by one by clicking “Edit Settings”. You need to click on the “Edit” button next to the specific application. In order to remove the app's permission, click the X next to "Add app activity to your timeline."

If you don't want something published to your friends, you can always choose “Only Me” from the drop-down menu next to it.

Furthermore, you can click on the “Cancel” button (next to “Add to Facebook”) when you open an article. Facebook will open it, but it will not be published.

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