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Does walmart price match?

Will Walmart do price matches?

1 Answer

Yes, Walmart will price match. Here's their price match guarantee guidelines:

We gladly match the price in the following types of ads:*

•Buy one, get one free ads with a specified price
◦Example: Buy one for $2.49, get one free (BOGO)

•Competitors' ads that feature a specific item for a specified price.

•Preferred shopping card prices for specific items that are in a printed ad.

•For fresh produce and meat items when the price is offered in the same unit type (lb. for lb.; each for each)
*The following are guidelines and limitations:

•We will match any local competitor's advertised price.
•We do not require customers to have the ad with them to honor a competitor's ad.
•Items purchased must be identical to the ad (size, quantity, brand, flavor, color, etc.)
We DO NOT match the price in the following types of competitor ads:

•Items that require a separate purchase to get the ad price
◦example: "Buy [item A] to get [item B] for $C"
•Items with no actual price that require a purchase to get free product
◦example: "Buy both [items A & B] to get [item C] for free"
•Items that require a purchase to get a competitors' gift card
◦example: "Buy [item A] to get a $B gift card
•Buy one, get one free (BOGO) ads with no actual price given
•Going out of business or closeout prices
•Percentage off
◦example: "All mascara, 40% off"
•Competitors' private label price promotions
We do not honor:

•Ads when the actual price for items cannot be determined.
•Internet pricing
•Misprinted ad prices of other retailers
•"Going out of business" sales or "close out" prices

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