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Does FedEx deliver on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day?

Will FedEx deliver packages to your house on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day?

2 Answers

Yes, FedEx, UPS and DHL all will deliver on Martin Luther King day. It's just the postal service (USPS) that is closed. So you will not get regular mail delivered, and all US post offices are closed.

Here are the days FedEx is closed and will not deliver pagkages to your house for 2012:

Day after New Year's - January 2, 2012
Memorial Day - May 28, 2012
Independence Day - July 4, 2012
Labor Day - September 3, 2012
Thanksgiving Day - November 22, 2012
Christmas - December 25, 2012
New Year's Day - January 1, 2013

I got packages delivered to my house from both UPS and FedEx today (MLK day). So FedEx and UPS are both open for business and delivering packages on Martin Luther King day.

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